
청력 테스트

Kelly Clarkson 2006. 8. 24. 09:12

 출처 http://www.ultrasonic-ringtones.com/

Ultrasonic ringtones
Ultrasonics are great new ringtones that play at a higher frequency than normal tones. This means that they can only be heard by kids and generally can't be heard by adults over the age over 20 or so. See this article at the BBC to find out more.
Can I hear these ultrasonic ringtones?
Find out just how far your ears can hear into the range of ultrasonic ringtones. Pretty much everyone should be able to hear the lowest tone (8kHz). Many people should be able to hear up to around 14.1kHz, from around 17kHz upwards we get into the range that only the under 20's can hear!
- 8kHz
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- 10kHz
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- 12kHz
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A 14.1kHz
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A# 14.9kHz
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B 15.8kHz
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C 16.7kHz
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C# 17.7kHz
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D 18.8kHz
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D# 19.9kHz
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E 21.1kHz
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F 22.4kHz
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Hearing test results
Choose the highest pitch tone that you could hear from the list below and click the 'Get result now' button
Hottest ringtones
We've teamed up with a ringtone provider to bring you some of the hottest ring tones on this site, check out our selection of classic Emimem ringtones, Metallica ringtones and Justin Timberlake ringtones as well as all the latest from Ciara, Green Day and Snow Patrol