mathematical sign
Kelly Clarkson
2009. 8. 4. 14:51
<source : http://www.math.ohiou.edu/~mjm/goodproblems/symbols.pdf>
<source : http://www.math.ohiou.edu/~mjm/goodproblems/symbols.pdf>
Symbol | What Is It? |
+ | Adding Sign. Often referred to as the 'plus' sign. |
- | Subtracting Sign. Often referred to as the 'minus' sign. |
x | Multiplication Sign. Often referred to as the 'times' sign. |
÷ | Division Sign. |
= | Equal Sign. |
| | | Absolute Value |
¹ | Not Equal to. |
( ) | Parenthesis. |
[ ] | Square Brackets. |
% | Percent Sign - Out of 100. |
å | Big Sum Sign - Summation. |
Ö | Square Root Sign. |
< | Inequality sign. Less Than. |
> | Inequality sign. Greater Than. |
! | Factorial. |
q | Theta. |
p | Pi |
» | Approximately. |
^ | Perpindicular. |
Ð | Angle Sign. |
! | Factorial Sign. |
\ | Therefore |
¥ | Infinity |