'Gmail'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.02.19 your connection to gmail has expired.

 출처 http://groups.google.com/group/Gmail-Help-Discussion/search?group=Gmail-Help-Discussion&q=connection+has+expired&qt_g=Search+this+group


Google changed the URL for Gmail.  Here is the fix from Google.
1. In your browser, type in http://gmail.google.com/ and log into your
Gmail account.
2. Once inside your Gmail account, click 'Sign out'.
3. Close all open browsers.
4. Use your mouse to right-click on the Gmail Notifier icon in your
Window's task bar, and select 'Exit'.
5. Start Gmail Notifier again.
6. Open a new browser and sign in to your Gmail account.

Should clear up both probs...



you might have some kind of fire wall on your computer or a pop up
blocker. I was having the same problem with aol, once I learned to turn
off the pop up blocker it stopped.
-> 아! 이전엔 안그랬는데 메가닥터2 켜논 이후로 그랬군 -_-+

Posted by Kelly Clarkson