'공부'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2009.08.04 mathematical sign
  2. 2009.03.21 cursive (필기체)
  3. 2008.11.05 쓰잘대기 없는 영어

mathematical sign

공부/기타 2009. 8. 4. 14:51

<source : http://www.math.ohiou.edu/~mjm/goodproblems/symbols.pdf>

Symbol What Is It?
+ Adding Sign. Often referred to as the 'plus' sign.
- Subtracting Sign. Often referred to as the 'minus' sign.
x Multiplication Sign. Often referred to as the 'times' sign.
÷ Division Sign.
= Equal Sign.
| | Absolute Value
 ¹ Not Equal to.
( ) Parenthesis.
[ ] Square Brackets.
% Percent Sign - Out of 100.
å Big Sum Sign - Summation.
Ö Square Root Sign.
< Inequality sign. Less Than.
> Inequality sign. Greater Than.
! Factorial.
 q Theta.
p Pi
» Approximately.
^ Perpindicular.
Ð Angle Sign.
! Factorial Sign.
\ Therefore
¥ Infinity

Posted by Kelly Clarkson

cursive (필기체)

공부 2009. 3. 21. 18:51
 출처 handwriting for kids

animation -> uppercase lowcase

         a                   b                c               d                  e                  f


            g                    h                    i                  j                      k


           l                    m                       n                 o                p


          q                 r                  s               t                   u                   v

               w                     x                      y                     z

Posted by Kelly Clarkson


스크럽스 619 엘리엇 폭발

Just put that motherfucking ring on that motherfrickin' finger! Frick, frick, frick!

정말 쓰잘대기 없다 -_-+

Posted by Kelly Clarkson